The Gods and Their Realms

The Gods and Their Realms

Ever since we became capable of sentient thought, we have sought to understand the natural world and explain it - why do clouds thunder, why does the ground shake, why does the sea storm? Why does it sometimes rain, sometimes shine? Why do the winds blow? That which we cannot explain or influence mystifies and often terrifies us - and so we seek understanding and control. Science seeks to explain the universe and give us possession of it. Myth has the same purpose as science - through it, we try to make sense of this world, to imbue the chaos we see around us with order, and establish, however tenuous, some of control over the uncertainties of life. We have always needed gods to help us, whether those gods be Science or Shiva dancing to the awful beat of destruction and restoration.

 Our celestial agents are currently gathering intel on the gods. We are waiting for their reports. We shall get back to you as soon as we hear from them.